The Future is not cut in Stone
Submitted by Carl Calleman on December 13, 2011 - 5:50pm
Carl Calleman's blog posts
Response to the article Back to the Future by Serena Redfeather/Transitions (
Serena Redfeather/Transitions (SRT) has raised a series of critical points against my work with the Mayan calendar and especially for the thirteen baktun "end date" of October 28, 2011. Most of these have been raised before and responded to by me at earlier points in time, but I feel they may now need to summarized.
これはセレナ・レッドフェザーの「未来への帰還(Back to the Future)」への返答である。
She (I do not know who is using this name, but I assume it is a she) claims that almost no other researchers in the field has given the end date of October 28, 2011 to the thirteen baktun cycle. While this may be essentially true (mind you, there are also others that share my view) this may be related to the fact that I am also the only researcher in modern times that has attempted to prove that the Mayan calendar is true. (Some do not even recognize that this is a problem and that the truth of the calendar is something that needs to be verified). I may also be the only researcher in this field that has presented predictions that indisputably have come to pass and these have been based on the very end date of October 28, 2011.
彼女は(私は誰がSRTを名乗っているのか知らないが、ここでは"彼女"としておく)、この分野では、13バクトゥンのサイクルが終了するのが2011年10月28日だとしている研究者は、私以外には、ほとんど誰もいないと述べている。これはほぼその通りかもしれなが(もちろん私の見解を共有している人々もいる)、それは、私が、現代においてマヤカレンダーの真実性を証明しようと試みた唯一の研究者であることと関係している。(この問題を認識していない人々もいるのだし、そのためにカレンダーの真実性を検証する必要があるのである。)また、私はカレンダーに基づく予測を行ったこの分野で唯一の研究者でもあり、私の予測は確実に実現したのである。そして、それは終わりの日をまさに2011年10月2 8日としたことに基づいているのだ。
For instance, almost everyone on this planet experienced the frequency increase of the ninth wave whose beginning I had set to March 9, 2011. The following week the magazine Newsweek went as far as having the text "Apocalypse Now" on its cover because of the unprecedented amount of change that this wave precipitated worldwide. The end date of the Long Count as October 28, 2011 thus goes hand in hand with a reality connection to the Mayan calendar that those that claim that the end date is December 21, 2012 do not think they need to provide.
The December 21, 2012 researchers may thus sit in their ivory towers being "right" about their orthodoxy, but if this orthodoxy is not useful for establishing a reality connection what is it good for? To me the Mayan calendar is important to the extent that it aids the understanding of our current and future situation. I then also want to point out that it is simply not true when SRT says that my work is based on "revelations." I have never used this word for my own work, since it is based on the facts of science and history. It is not "revelations" that the Thirty Years' War started in 1618, that the telephone was invented in 1875 or that the Perm-Triassic extinction took place 252 million years ago. These are facts and to me a predictive calendar is meaningful only if it can be shown to be based on verifiable patterns of evolution. For people to accept my theories they thus do not have to believe in any revelations, since I provide facts that speak for themselves.
2011年12月21日を主張する研究者たちは、おそらく、彼らの正当性によって"正しい"とされている象牙の塔に閉じこもっているのだろう。しかし、この正当性が現実との関連性を確立する役に立たないのであれば、それが何の役に立つのだろうか? 私にとっては、私たちの現在と未来の状況を理解する上で有用である限りにおいて、マヤカレンダーが重要なのだ。私はまた、SRTが私の仕事が"啓示"に基づいていると述べているのは誤りだと指摘しておく。私は自分の仕事の中でこの言葉を使ったことはない。私の仕事は、科学的事実と歴史的事実に基づいているからだ。30年戦争が1618年に始まったこと、電話が1875年に発明されたこと、ペルム紀末の大絶滅が2億5200万年前に起こったことは� ��いずれも"啓示"ではない。これらは事実であり、私にとっては、検証可能な進化のパターンに基づいていると認められる限りにおいて、予言的なカレンダーは意味を持つのだ。このように、私の理論を受け入れる人々にとって、どんな啓示も信じる必要はない。私は、事実そのものに語らせているのだ。
When it comes to the end date of the calendar I however refrained from making predictions except than to say that it will mean the collapse of dualist dominance based civilization (Which many would agree is happening). What I know from my studies of the Mayan calendar is that there is normally no reason to expect anything to happen on a specific date, and so predictions can only be based on time periods with a certain energy. In reality it sometimes takes years before an energy shift manifests in our visible reality and if indeed something would happen on a specific date it would be truly remarkable and attest to the special importance of this day. It would be a first and would not really be expected. With this in mind we might then take a look at what happened on October 28, 2011 or close to it: